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Samson, Ala.-based Samson Banking Co. led S&P Global Market Intelligence's 2021 ranking of the best-performing U.S. community banks under $3 billion in assets.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 2:06 PM CT
By Zuhaib Gull and Zain Tariq Market Intelligence
Samson, Ala.-based Samson Banking Co. led S&P Global Market Intelligence's 2021 ranking of the best-performing U.S. community banks under $3 billion in assets.
About this analysis
To compile this ranking, S&P Global Market Intelligence calculated scores for each company based on six metrics: pretax return on tangible common equity; efficiency ratio; operating revenue growth; net charge-offs to average loans and leases net of Paycheck Protection Program loans ratio; nonperforming assets and loans 90 days or more past due as a percentage of total assets, net of PPP loans; and leverage ratio.
Each company's standard deviation from the industry mean was calculated for every ranking metric, weighted, then combined to derive a performance score. To help normalize the data and mitigate the impact of outliers, caps and floors were applied for each metric. Based on the above criteria, 4,015 banks and thrifts were eligible for this ranking.